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2024年8月23日(金)メンテナンス終了後より、『ファンキル -オルタナティブ・イミテーション-』とのコラボを開催いたします。




第一弾(ティルフィング):2024/8/23(金)19:00 〜 2024/8/30(金)12:59
第二弾(レーヴァテイン):2024/8/30(金)16:00 〜 2024/9/6(金)18:59














Starting from August 23, a collaboration event with ‘Fankill Alternative’ will begin!

Starting from Friday, August 23, 2024, after maintenance, we will be holding a collaboration event with ‘Fankill -Alternative Imitation-‘.


Here is the Collaboration NFT Sale


▼ Collaboration Period
First Round (Tyrfing): 2024/8/23 (Fri) 19:00 – 2024/8/30 (Fri) 12:59
Second Round (Laevatein): 2024/8/30 (Fri) 16:00 – 2024/9/6 (Fri) 18:59


▼ Featured Collaboration Characters
・Tyrfing (PALADIN)
・Laevatein (NECROMANCER)

Each of them is a special XENO with a ‘new special skill’ for their respective class.

※Tyrfing will only appear during the first round of the collaboration, and Laevatein will only appear during the second round of the collaboration.


▼ Tyrfing (PALADIN) Special Skill
Summons 1 ‘Swordmaster’ in an empty square. Additionally, summons a ‘Shielder’ in the selected square and in the adjacent upper and lower squares. The summoned Swordmaster is granted the effect of ‘taking all damage that an ally in the square directly behind would receive.’
[Summon Effect] HP 480, attacks the closest enemy in a vertical line with a power of 300.
Cost: 200
Cooldown: 4 turns


▼ Laevatein (NECROMANCER) Special Skill
‘Sword Saint’
Summons 1 ‘Sword Saint’ in an empty square. Additionally, summons ‘Skeletons’ in the selected square and in the adjacent upper, lower, left, and right squares. The HP of the Sword Saint increases by 50, and its power increases by 30 for each summoned unit that was defeated during the battle.
[Summon Effect] HP 250, attacks the nearest enemy with a power of 170. Additionally, recovers HP equal to 20% of the damage dealt and inflicts the effect of ‘reducing ATK and SPD by 30% until the end of the next turn.’
Cost: 200
Cooldown: 4 turns


Additionally, during the collaboration period, the collaboration characters will occasionally appear as opponents in CPU battles within the game.

If you manage to defeat a collaboration character, a ‘Collaboration NFT Guaranteed NFT-BOX’ will be guaranteed to drop.


Please enjoy the world of ‘Fankill Alternative’ to the fullest.




自身の「気功」を高め、 力で敵を「圧倒」する新クラス!






7/11(木)19:00 〜 8/18(日)18:59


また、7月11日のアップデートにて、イニシャルホルダー(自身で獲得したNFT XENO/GENESIS)は、そのXENOへの継承にかかるコストが無料になります

そのほか、イニシャルホルダーのNFT XENOは、ゲーム内にて「GENESIS昇格チャレンジ」にも挑戦できますので、ぜひモンクのNFTをいち早くGETしましょう!



ابتداءً من 11 يوليو، تظهر الفئة الجديدة ‘الراهب’!

ابتداءً من 11 يوليو 2024 (الخميس)، بعد الصيانة، ستكون الفئة الجديدة ‘الراهب’ متاحة!


فئة جديدة تعزز ‘القوة الحيوية’ الخاصة بها وتُطغى على الأعداء بالقوة!

استولِ على النصر بمهارات قوية واستراتيجيات فعّالة!


▼زر صفحة بيع NFT للراهب هنا


▼ساعات بيع NFT للراهب

من 7/11 (الخميس) الساعة 19:00 إلى 8/18 (الأحد) الساعة 18:59


علاوة على ذلك، في تحديث 11 يوليو، سيصبح حاملو البداية (أولئك الذين اكتسبوا NFT XENO/GENESIS الخاص بهم) معفيين من تكلفة الإرث لذلك XENO.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن لحاملي النسخ الأولية من NFT XENO المشاركة أيضًا في ‘تحدي ترقية GENESIS’ داخل اللعبة، لذا تأكد من الحصول على NFT الراهب في أسرع وقت ممكن!

علاوة على ذلك، خلال الفترة المذكورة أعلاه، سيظهر الرهبان في بعض الأحيان كخصوم CPU في اللعبة.

فز بالمعركة وستحصل بالتأكيد على صندوق NFT!

Starting July 11th, the new class ‘Monk’ debuts!

From July 11, 2024 (Thu), after maintenance, the new class ‘Monk’ will be available!


A new class that enhances its own ‘Qi’ and ‘overwhelms’ enemies with power!

Seize victory with powerful skills and strategies!


▼Visit the Monk NFT sale page here


▼Monk NFT Sale Hours

From 7/11 (Thu) 19:00 to 8/18 (Sun) 18:59


Additionally, with the update on July 11, Initial Holders (those who have acquired their own NFT XENO/GENESIS) will have the cost for inheriting to that XENO made free.

Additionally, Initial Holders’ NFT XENO can also participate in the ‘GENESIS Promotion Challenge’ in the game, so be sure to get your Monk NFT as soon as possible!

Furthermore, during the above period, monks will occasionally appear as CPU opponents in the game.

Win the battle and you are guaranteed to GET an NFT-BOX!

4月24日より、『ロックマン X DiVE』との第二弾コラボ開催!

2024年4月24日(水)メンテナンス終了後より、『ロックマン X DiVE』との第二弾コラボを開催いたします。


優勝報酬はコラボGENESIS 5










参加者の中から抽選で1名にコラボGENESIS 5が当たります



・価格:20 USDT
※購入上限 お一人様1,100枚まで(2,000 USDT)
















Starting from April 24th, the second collaboration with ‘Mega Man X DiVE’ will be held!

Starting April 24, 2024, after the maintenance, we will be hosting the second collaboration with “Mega Man X DiVE.”

▼ Post-April 24 update

  • Icon Contest (Extra Tournament) The grand prize is Collab GENESIS 5
  • Collab CPU Battle
  • Collab Packs for Sale

▼ To be held later

  • Collab Gacha (In-game & Marketplace) Collab NFT Sale Here This time, three Collab GENESIS characters will appear. Also, with continued success in the “VS Sigma Battle,” you get a great chance to secure a super-rare GENESIS with a special specification that evolves into a 15-pull gacha, with no reissues afterward.

▼ Featured Collab Characters

  • Aiko (DRUID)
  • Via (PALADIN)
  • Sigma (X4 Second Form) (NECROMANCER)

During the collab period, collab characters such as “Aiko” will occasionally appear as CPU battle opponents in the game.

If you defeat a collab character this time, a “Collab Exclusive NFT-BOX” will definitely drop.

Expect special collab-specific animations for special skills and battle backgrounds.

★ For those who can’t wait for the Collab Sale

Pre-sale of “2MM & 20MM Gacha Tickets”! One participant will be drawn to win a Collab GENESIS 5

Increased chances of winning with more purchases!

▼ Details of this event

  • Rockman Ticket 2nd (Ticket for 2MM Gacha) 11 tickets
  • Price: 20 USDT ※ Purchase limit: Up to 1,100 tickets per person (2,000 USDT)

▼ Sale Period Until 23:59 the day before the sale starts (The start date of the sale will be announced later on the official X)

▼ USDT Payment Address ※ Please send from the wallet address registered on your My Page. If sent from a cryptocurrency exchange, the gacha ticket will not be reflected. 0x704b58DCd196Fa7d6DF7757E964fc05F517ef8FC※ Supports ETH chain, BNB chain, MATIC chain ※ USDT sent during the period will be combined to reflect the gacha tickets

▼ Caution ※ If USDT is sent from a cryptocurrency exchange, you will not receive the gacha ticket. Always send from the wallet address registered on your My Page. ※ No refunds are possible for this campaign. ※ Any USDT sent after the deadline or exceeding the required amount will not be refunded, please be aware. ※ Check the network and amount before sending. ※ If you have already registered on My Page, please send from the wallet address registered on your My Page. ※ This service is subject to the Terms of Use/Disclaimer/Privacy Policy. ※ The design of the NFTs is in development and may differ from the actual product. ※ Due to the operational status of the blockchain and aggregation, announcements and distributions of winnings may be delayed. ※ To receive the gacha ticket, you must link your account with the game.

PROJECT XENO プロデューサーレター

PROJECT XENOプロデューサーのほずみです。


5月10日(金)にPROJECT XENOは1周年を迎えることができました。































PROJECT XENOの1周年を記念して、新しいテーマソングを作らせて頂きました。
おなじみのテーマソング「Etarnally」はPROJECT XENOのゲーム開発中に作った曲ですが、




具体的には1年目を迎えたPROJECT XENOをテーマに歌詞から作成しました。






このようなテーマから、曲名も「PROJECT XENO」としました。


新テーマ「PROJECT XENO」は新たな始まりのオープニングテーマとなります。


「ヒカルカップ」「XENO PRO TOUR」「最強決定戦」といったリアルイベントで感じた熱量、
そして、PROJECT XENOが進まねばならない未来など、ここ1年で感じ取ったことを全て乗せた曲となります。




余談ですが、曲が完成したのがPROJECT XENO1周年の1日前の5月9日(木)。





数多くの機能やクラスが実装され、PROJECT XENOは大きく前進することが出来ました。










PROJECT XENOの1年間を振り返ると、数多くの「挑戦」がありました。






今後とも『PROJECT XENO』をよろしくお願いいたします。

PROJECT XENO Producer Letter

Hello XENO players,
This is Hozumi, the producer of PROJECT XENO.


On Friday, May 10th, PROJECT XENO was delighted to mark its first anniversary.
We would like to extend our deepest thanks to all the players who have supported XENO.


In this edition of the Producer’s Letter, I will take a moment to look back on the past year while also sharing insights into our future endeavors.



◆Addition of the New Class
The last time I issued a Producer’s Letter was during our half-anniversary celebration.
Back the, we have introduced the NECROMANCER, our first new class addition.
Since then, we have expanded our roster with PALADIN and DRUID, and most recently during our anniversary, we introduced the GUNSLINGER.
With these additions, the total number of classes in XENO has now reached up to ten.


In the Battle Arena, we refer to each term or segment as a Season.
Up until the addition of the first class, the NECROMANCER, we have been running the game by introducing new Skill Cards with each Season.


However, due to the changes in the environment with the implementation of NECROMANCER and the huge hype among players, we decided to prioritize to enriching the variety of classes before introducing additional cards.


I recall our CEO, Furuse, mentioning that “In games like FPS, character implementation is prioritized, and having a wide variety of characters definitely makes the game more interesting.”


With this in mind, we have been rapidly developing to introduce ten classes.


We managed to achieve this milestone and now that we have reached up to ten classes, we plan to resume adding the new Skill Cards.
Particularly, the classes added later have fewer types of Skill Cards compared to the first six classes, so we will be increasing the frequency of adding new cards.



◆Upcoming Feature Additions
Some of this information was announced during the 1st Anniversary XENO Festival on Saturday, May 11th, but we will be implementing features such as Season Missions and Achievement Missions shortly.
Players will be able to earn rewards by completing these missions during their daily gameplay.


Additionally, the user level system will be significantly revamped, allowing for more detailed and frequent advancements in user levels through the enhancement of Skill Cards.


These adjustments are being made to the game to enhance player’s daily gameplay experience and encourage longer play times.


Furthermore, we are actively developing features that will facilitate enhanced communication among XENO players, including the implementation of a global chat system and the full-scale integration of guild feature.


The team remains committed to deliver these updates as soon as possible.



◆The New Theme Song
We have created a new theme song to celebrate the PROJECT XENO’s 1st anniversary.
Our iconic theme song, “Eternally,” was composed during the development of PROJECT XENO.
It is a captivating ballad the perfectly captures the game’s essence.


The very first time we had a booth at Tokyo Game Show 2022, I felt that numerous visitors were attracted to our booth by the world and atmosphere evoked by this song, along with the song’s own compelling qualities.


The new theme song we introduced this time was created around a different theme from “Eternally.”
Specifically, it was created with lyrics based on our 1st anniversary of PROJECT XENO.


Along with a staff member who is a former XENO player, I co-created the lyrics, and professional sound producers then designed the music based on our work.


The theme included in this song:
・A strong will to move towards the future, no matter how challenging the path may be.
・Immersion in the XENO’s world and battles.
・Putting all ten classes from SAMURAI to GUNSLINGER into the lyrics, and highlighting the characteristics of each XENO class.


Based on these themes, we titled the song “PROJECT XENO.”


If “Eternally” serves as a quiet ending theme, then the new theme song, “PROJECT XENO” will be an opening theme representing the new start.


This song encapsulates everything we have experienced over the past year, including the environment surrounding XENO, the support from XENO players, the passion felt at live events like the Hikaru Cup, XENO PRO TOUR, and the Ultimate Championship, and the uncharted future that lies ahead for PROJECT XENO.


I hope you enjoy listening to this new song.


By the way, the song was completed just one day before PROJECT XENO’s 1st anniversary, on May 9th (Thursday).


It really was a close call…..


If there were more time, I would have loved to create a music video. Unfortunately, we didn’t. That’s my only regret—haha!



◆The Upcoming Plans of XENO
Since our half-anniversary, another six months have passed, during which numerous features and classes have been implemented, allowing PROJECT XENO to make significant progress.


We have following plans to implement major features:
・The campaign mode battling against the CPU (PvE feature)
・Guild feature and the battle mode where you get to battle within the guild (GvG feature)
・2 players v.s 2 players, the Tag Battle Mode


These are the new features that we are planning to implement.


Some of these features were also mentioned in the Producer’s Letter for our last half-anniversary.
We are fully committed to ensuring that all of these features are available before our 2nd anniversary.


Over the past year, PROJECT XENO has embarked on a remarkable journey, navigating a landscape filled with diverse challenges.
Along the way, we have experienced both successes and failures.


Our successes have propelled us forward, while our failures have provided valuable learning opportunities. Challenges are crucial that they not only help us achieve our goals but also guide us toward our ultimate destination.


We will continue to take on challenges, striving to make PROJECT XENO the best in both the blockchain gaming industry and as a top-tier esports.


Our team will continue to work tirelessly to ensure the game remains enjoyable for all players.
Your continued support of PROJECT XENO means the world to us.

3月26日より、新クラス「ドルイド」登場! ドルイドセールは3月27日より開催!









