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Announcement of the Launch of the Marketplace Alpha Version.

We have launched the marketplace alpha version.

◆Flow of Use
Please visit ( to start using.
*If making any transactions such as buying and selling or listing items, please log in to My Page ( and connect your wallet.

◆Features Available on Marketplace Alpha Version
・Buying and selling of NFT
 Users can buy and sell NFT with each other.
 To purchase NFT, Market Money is required.

・Purchase of Market Money
 Market Money is a point required to purchase items on the Marketplace.
 Available to purchase with USDT or credit card.

・Purchase of G Coin
 G Coin is a coin that can be used in games.
 Available to purchase with a credit card or GXE.
 However, G Coin purchased with a credit card or GXE cannot be withdrawn.

・Purchase of U Coin
 U Coin is a coin that can be used in games.
 Available to purchase with a credit card or UXE.
 However, U Coin purchased with a credit card or UXE cannot be withdrawn.
 U Coin earned as in-game rewards can be withdrawn as UXE.

◆Notes for Using the Marketplace Alpha Version
・Depending on the system status, the service may become unstable, or delays may occur in each transaction.
・Fees related to NFT trading and deposits/withdrawals may be subject to change in the future.
・Purchase procedures for each coin and balance updates after purchase may take some time to be completed.
・The information for each product such as parameters, skills, and charge gauges may be subject to change. 
・When purchasing each coin with cryptocurrency, the amount of coins received may change based on the exchange rate at the time of deposit.
・Design and specifications may be subject to change before the official game launch.
・Refunds or returns are not accepted.
・Please note that the team cannot be involved in any issues that may arise between sellers and buyers.
・This service is subject to the terms of use/disclaimer/privacy policy.
・Maintenance may be conducted without prior notice.
・Minimum listing price is set for NFT listings.
・Credit cards that do not support 3D Secure cannot be used.

◆Features Planned to be Updated on Marketplace
・NFT-BOX opening function
・NFT export/import function
・Shop where each NFT and in-game item can be purchased with GXE and UXE.

◆Modification of Terms of Use
By launching the Marketplace Alpha Version, Terms of Use have been modified. Please review the new terms before using the service.

Please feel free to contact us if you have anything.

★Contact Regarding Marketplace
We have “Beginner’s Question Cafe” on our official Discord to ask any questions or concerns.

If you have anything for the team, please directly contact us from below.

We truly appreciate your continued support of PROJECT XENO.












公式Discordサーバーにて、PROJECT XENOに関する質問や気になる事を気軽に聞くことができる場所「初心者質問カフェ」を設けています。


引き続きPROJECT XENOを宜しくお願い致します。

XENOخصم حصريفقط على تويتر”معركة الإنشاء Genesis”يقام فقط لمدة 24 ساعة

يسعدنا أن نعلن أن “GENESIS Battle” أو “معركة جينيسيس/الإنشاء” ستبدأ على Twitter ، حيث يمكنك الفوز بسباق Genesis ببساطة عن طريق إرسال 6000 GXE إلى العنوان المحدد.



يرجى التحقق هنا لمزيد من التفاصيل.

◆ فترة الحملة

حتى 16 مارس 2023 ، الساعة 9:59 صباحًا بالتوقيت العالمي المنسق


◆ كيفية المشاركة

أرسل 6000 GXE إلى العنوان أدناه.




من الممكن المشاركة في عدة إدخالات. للإدخالات المتعددة ، يرجى إرسال 6000 GXE في كل مرة لكل إدخال. ستتم إضافة NFT التي فزت بها إلى صفحتك الشخصية الخاصة بك.


* يمكن الوصول إلى  صفحتك الشخصية عن طريق تسجيل الدخول بعنوان المحفظة المستخدم للإدخال.

* إذا تم إرسال GXE من بورصة مركزية مثل MEXC ، فلن يكون مقدم الطلب مؤهلاً للرسم ولن يتلقى NFT.


◆ احتمالية الفوز

يرجى الرجوع إلى الصورة.

* سيتم إجراء الرسم بناءً على وصول GXE المرسل.


بخصوص نتائج السحب

سيتم توزيع NFT التي فزت بها في غضون 3 أيام عمل من تاريخ انتهاء هذه الحملة.



◆ ملاحظات
※ يرجى ملاحظة أنه لا يمكننا تقديم أي مبالغ مستردة.
※ إذا كان هناك عدد كبير جدًا من الإدخالات ، فقد يتم إغلاق الحملة قبل الموعد المحدد لها.
※ يرجى ملاحظة أنه لا يمكننا رد أي أموال تم إرسالها بعد انتهاء الحملة.
※ يرجى تأكيد الإتصال الشبكة والمبلغ قبل إرسال أموالك.
※ تصميم NFT قيد التنفيذ حاليًا وقد يختلف عن التصميم الفعلي.
※ قد يتأخر الإعلان عن الفائزين والتوزيع اعتمادًا على حالة blockchain والحساب.
※ من المقرر أن يكون سك NFTs (الحالة التي يمكن فيها نقل NFTs إلى المحفظة) متاحًا بين إطلاق السوق وإطلاق اللعبة.
※ سيتم تغيير مبلغ التحويل واحتمالية الفوز بإرسال GXE وحملات السحب على Twitter التي تعقد في المستقبل بشكل عشوائي في كل مرة.
※ تخضع هذه الخدمة لشروط الاستخدام وإخلاء المسؤولية وسياسة الخصوصية.

Notice Regarding “GENESIS Battle” Held Only for 24 hours

We are excited to announce that “GENESIS Battle” on Twitter will be starting, where you can win a Genesis by simply sending 6,000 GXE to the designated address.

Please check here for more details.仮)

◆Campaign Period
Until March 16th, 2023 9:59 a.m. UTC

◆How to Participate
Send 6,000 GXE to the address below.


It is possible to participate for multiple entries. For multiple entries, please send 6,000 GXE each time for each entry. The NFT that you have won will be added to your My Page.

*The My Page can be accessed by logging in with the wallet address used for the entry.
*If GXE is sent from a central exchange such as MEXC, the applicant will not be eligible for the drawing and will not receive the NFT.

◆Winning Probability
Please refer to the image.
*Drawing will be conducted based on the arrival of the GXE sent.

◆ Regarding the Reflection of the Drawing Results
NFT that you have won will be distributed within 3 business days from the end date of this campaign.

◆ Notes
※ Please note that we cannot offer any refunds.
※If there are too many entries, the campaign may closed earlier than scheduled.
※Please note that we cannot refund any sent funds after the campaign has ended.
※ Please confirm the network and amount before sending your funds.
※ The design of the NFT is currently worked and may differ from the actual one.
※ The announcement of the winners and distribution may be delayed depending on the status of the blockchain and calculation.
※ The minting of NFTs (the status in which NFTs can be transferred to a wallet) is planned to be available between the marketplace launch and the game launch.
※ The amount to transfer and winning probability for sending your GXE and raffle drawing events on Twitter held in the future will be changed randomly each time.
※ This service is subject to the terms of use, disclaimer, and privacy policy.










إشعار بخصوص التغييرات في مواصفات CHARM أو التعويذات

إشعار بخصوص التغييرات في مواصفات CHARM أو التعويذات 

كما تم الإعلان عنه مسبقًا ، أوضحنا أنه يمكن تجهيز CHARM في جميع شخصيات XENO

وسوف تنعكس أيضًا في صورهم.


ومع ذلك ، بناءً على نظر فريق تصميم  مشروع XENO فيما يتعلق بميزة تغيير الصورة المرئية باستخدام CHARM ،

لقد وجد أنه من الصعب تطبيق تصميم CHARM بدون تناقضات في بعض شخصيات XENO.


لذلك ، قررنا تغيير اسم CHARM وإزالة الميزة التي تجعل CHARM تؤثر على مرئيات XENO.


سيتم توفير ميزة تغيير الصورة المرئية لـ XENO كميزة منفصلة في التحديث المستقبلي.


* يرجى ملاحظة أنه لن يكون هناك أي تغييرات على تأثيرات CHARM نتيجة لهذا التحديث ، وأن CHARM أو التعويذات التي تم الحصول عليها مسبقًا ستستمر في العمل بنفس الأداء.


شكرا لحسن لتفهمكم وتعاونكم معنا.

【Notice Regarding Changes to CHARM Specifications】

As previously announced information, we have explained that CHARM can be equipped on all XENO
and will also be reflected in their visual.

However, upon consideration by the PROJECT XENO design team regarding the feature to change the visual with CHARM,
it has been found out that it is difficult to apply the CHARM design without inconsistencies on some XENO.

Therefore, we have decided to change the name of CHARM and remove the feature that makes the CHARM affect the visual of XENO.

The feature to change the visual of XENO will be provided as a separate function in a future update.
*Please note that there will be no changes to the effects of CHARM as a result of this update, and previously obtained CHARM will continue to function with the same performance.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.



PROJECT XENOデザインチームにて、CHARMで見た目を変更するという仕様について検討を重ねたところ、










引き続きPROJECT XENOを宜しくお願い致します。

【Notice Regarding My Page Update】

We would like to announce that My Page has been updated.
Please refer to the following information for details on the update.

Log in using an email is now available.
In addition, it is now possible to change both email and wallet address.
※ If you have not registered your email, please register your email after logging in with your wallet address.
   Once registration is complete, you will be able to log in with your email.

The following is available after the marketplace launches.

◆Market Money
Market Money is the point required to purchase products in the marketplace. Purchase with BUSD/USDT or a credit card is available.

◆G Coin
G Coin is a coin that can be used within the game and can be purchased using a credit card or GXE. Please note that G Coin purchased with either a credit card or GXE cannot be withdrawn.

◆U Coin
U Coin is a coin used within the game and can be purchased using a credit card or UXE. Please note that U Coin purchased with either a credit card or UXE cannot be withdrawn.
U Coin earned as in-game rewards can be withdrawn as UXE.

Please feel free to contact us if there are any questions or concerns. We appreciate your continued support for PROJECT XENO.