「NFTセール1st -HIKARUコラボNFTセール-」開催準備に伴い、以下の時間帯でメンテナンスを実施いたします。
2022年11月23日(水) 13:00-16:00頃まで
メンテナンス実施中は「MY PAGE」と「NFT SALEページ」にアクセスすることができなくなります。
「NFTセール1st -HIKARUコラボNFTセール-」開催準備に伴い、以下の時間帯でメンテナンスを実施いたします。
2022年11月23日(水) 13:00-16:00頃まで
メンテナンス実施中は「MY PAGE」と「NFT SALEページ」にアクセスすることができなくなります。
To bring you the “NFT Sale 1st -Hikaru Collaboration NFT Sale”, we will undergo maintenance during the dates below.
◆Maintenance time and date
Wednesday, November 23, 2022 4:00 a.m. UTC to around 7:00 a.m. UTC
During this time, users will not be able to access their My Page and NFT Sale page.
We appreciate your patience and for your understanding.
*Please note that the maintenance time is subject to change. Please check Twitter and Discord for details.
The first 33 Hikaru Bundles sold at the “NFT Sale 1st – HIKARU Collaboration NFT Sale” from November 23rd have sold out due to popular demand.
Thank you so much for your support.
The purchase is completed when the NFTs displays in the list of acquired NFTs on “My Page.”
Although the purchase procedure has been completed, if you do not see the NFTs on My Page, the purchase has not been completed, and you will get the refund for the purchase amount at a later date.
Also, the “super rare raffle ticket” and “free raffle ticket” will continue to offer a chance to win “Hikaru XENO,” so please participate in the raffle.
*You will also have a chance to win at the NFT auction scheduled to start on November 29th.
*The drawing may have already reached its limited number. Please check the sale page, Twitter, and Discord for the latest information.
Hikaru XENO: Limited to 250 units
Hikaru XENO: Limited to 30 units
All the prizes will be unavailable as soon as the stock runs out.
Hikaru XENO: 20 winners will be selected by raffle from among the bidders.
*The design of HIKARU XENO is limited to the number of copies issued.
11月23日より「NFTセール1st -HIKARUコラボNFTセール-」にて販売しておりました、
限定先着33個ヒカルパック はご好評につき完売いたしました。
「NFTセール1st -HIKARUコラボNFTセール-」の詳細が決定いたしました。
それぞれ今回のセールで発行される数量が上限となり、今後PROJECT XENOネットワーク上で複製・再生産されることのない限定NFTとなります。
XENOバージョンのヒカルNFTは通常のXENO NFTと同等の性能となりますが総発行数333体限定のデザインとなります。
GENESISバージョンのヒカルNFTはGENESIS <FIRST>と同じくPROJECT XENOの中で最もトークン獲得量が増加する効果が付与されます。
※XENOバージョンのコラボNFTは通常のXENO NFTと同等の性能となりますが発行数量が限定のデザインとなります。
また、パックの購入合計額の上位3名様に「GENESISバージョンのヒカルNFT Ver.Ⅰ」を エアドロップします。
今後の詳細はPROJECT XENO公式HP、Twitter、Discordをご確認ください。
Details of the “NFT Sale 1st – HIKARU Collaboration NFT Sale -” have been determined.
Sale Period
NFT Sale: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022 11:00 a.m. UTC – Wednesday, November 30th, 2022 11:00 a.m. UTC
Drawing: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022 11:00 a.m. UTC – Friday, December 2nd, 2022 11:00 a.m. UTC
Hikaru Limited Edition NFT Collaboration
This sale will offer three types of collaboration limited edition NFTs: XENO version, GENESIS version Ver. I, and Ver. II.
Each of these NFTs has limited supply at this sale and will not be reproduced or duplicated on the PROJECT XENO network in the future.
– XENO Version of Hikaru NFT
This NFT has the same performance as the regular XENO NFT; however, the design will only be available in a total supply of 333 units.
Available through limited package sales, free raffle tickets, and super rare raffle tickets.
– GENESIS Version of Hikaru NFT
Ver. I: 12 units will be available
It will be available with free raffle tickets and super rare raffle tickets.
Ver. II: 3 units will be available
It will only be available at the auction held from November 29th to November 30th.
The GENESIS version of Hikaru NFT is the same as the GENESIS <FIRST> and provides the highest token-earning effect in PROJECT XENO.
Ver. II is a rarer NFT with fewer supply than Ver. I.
*The XENO version of the collaborative NFT will have the same performance as the regular XENO NFTs; however, supply quantity is limited and the designs are exclusive.
3 Major Special Benefits
In addition, we also have prepared three major special benefits as a campaign to commemorate onboarding Hikaru as a XENO ambassador.
1. XENO + one super rare ticket sold in a package
The super rare raffle ticket offers a chance to win rare NFTs such as limited Hikaru NFT, GENESIS, and other NFTs.
2. Whitelisting of all participants
The wallet address used to purchase will be added to the whitelist.
Once added to the whitelist, various benefits will be available.
3. NFT-BOX will be given to everyone on the whitelist
Everyone who participates in this sale is whitelisted and will get an “NFT-BOX” that can generate XENO.
*All participants in the previous 1st auction have already been whitelisted even if they do not participate in this sale.
*All addresses that have purchased more than 1 unit will be whitelisted.
We even have more to this that 1-time free coupon will be airdropped for the next sale for every five XENOs purchased.
The top 3 purchasers of the total purchase amount of the package will also get the “GENESIS version of Hikaru NFT Ver. I.”
*The 1-time free coupon for the next sale will be equivalent in value to each purchase in this sale.
*The distribution date of the free coupon will be announced at a later date.
Sale Lineups
In this sale, three different packages will be available.
The package that contains the Hikaru Collaboration NFT will be sold on a first-come, so please be sure not to miss out.
1. Limited to the first 33 Hikaru package
Includes 1 Hikaru XENO + 1 super rare raffle ticket.
2. 1 XENO unit package
Includes 1 XENO + 1 super rare raffle ticket.
3. 5 XENO unit package
Includes 5 XENO + 6 super rare raffle tickets.
*You can only purchase “1 XENO unit package” and “5 XENO unit package” in crypto currency or a credit card.
*“Hikaru Package” is only available in crypto currency.
Announcement of the Auction
The “Hikaru Collaboration NFT Auction” will be held during the sale.
Auction Period
Tuesday, November 29th, 2022 6:00 a.m. UTC – Wednesday, November 30th, 2022 12:00 p.m. UTC
The top three bidders will win the GENESIS Hikaru NFT Ver. II.
These are limited edition NFTs issued only for this auction.
Please note that if you do not win this auction, we will refund your bid.
Even if you did not win, 20 bidders will be selected randomly among those who bid as a participation prize and will receive a XENO version of Hikaru NFT as a gift.
For more information about the auction, please check the auction page to be released at a later date.
*For those who placed a minimum bid or higher will be refunded. Please note that bids lower than the minimum bid are non refundable.
Recruitment of GXE Partners for the Second Period
We are pleased to announce that we will accept applications for the second period of GXE partners during this sale.
Those who become a GXE partner can receive the following special benefits and more:
– Monthly NFT airdrops until the game launch
– 50% off on specific box sales
– Participation rights when the game is released in a closed environment before the game launch
Please click here for more information about GXE Partners.
Please also check PROJECT XENO’s official website, Twitter, and Discord for further details.
We are pleased to announce that Fumiya, a social media creator with over 6 million followers on SNS, has been appointed as the Southeast Asia ambassador for “PROJECT XENO.”
Fumiya is a social media creator based in the Philippines, working extensively as an actor, singer, TV personality, and YouTuber.
He has 2.31 million YouTube subscribers and over 6 million total followers on Instagram, TikTok, and other SNS channels (as of October 31st, 2022).
He also has been appointed as a tourism ambassador for Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka, as well as an SNS ambassador for the B League’s Santo Neo Phoenix, and now is getting attention in Japan as well.
PROJECT XENO will continue to expand its services worldwide, following the strengthening of promotions in Southeast Asia with the appointment of Fumiya as an ambassador.
We plan to particularly focus on the U.S., India, South Korea, and the Middle East and promote PROJECT XENO in each of these areas, including appointing ambassadors and holding collaborations in the future.
[Comments from Fumiya (Translation)]
“I am Fumiya, and I have been appointed as an ambassador for ‘PROJECT XENO.’ When I was living in the Philippines, I saw many young and old playing games on their smartphones. I would be happy to help spread new entertainment to Filipinos who love such a game, and the country as a whole gets excited!
I am very much looking forward to the new developments of “PROJECT XENO” in the future!”
Please check PROJECT XENO official website, Twitter, and Discord for further details.
『PROJECT XENO』に、SNSの総フォロワー数600万人超を誇るソーシャルメディアクリエイターである
PROJECT XENOは、全世界向けにサービスを展開してまいりますが、今回のFumiyaさんアンバサダー就任による東南アジア圏のプロモーション強化に続き、
今後は特に米国、インド、韓国、中東エリアに注力し、それぞれのエリアごとにPROJECT XENOのアンバサダー擁立とコラボレーション実施などのプロモーションを進めていく予定です。
この度『PROJECT XENO(プロジェクトゼノ)』のアンバサダーに就任したFumiyaです。僕が実際にフィリピンで生活をしているとき、若者からお年寄りまでスマートフォンでゲームをする人々をたくさん見かけていました。
今後の『PROJECT XENO(プロジェクトゼノ)』の新たな展開に非常に楽しみでいっぱいです!
今後の詳細はPROJECT XENO公式HP、Twitter、Discordをご確認ください。
②PROJECT XENO公式Twitterをフォロー
③PROJECT XENO公式Discordに参加
今後の詳細はPROJECT XENO公式HP、Twitter、Discordをご確認ください。
We will hold the campaign supported by Hikaru for a total of worth $27,000.
Hikaru will provide half of the 2,500 GXE (equivalent to about $270) that is required to join GXE Partners for 100 people.
Application deadline: Tuesday, November 22, 2022
(1) Retweet the Hikaru’s campaign tweet
(2) Follow PROJECT XENO’s official Twitter
■Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/PROJECTXENO_JP
(3) Join PROJECT XENO’s official Discord server
■Official Discord: https://discord.gg/G4bk9nhJpG
(4) Those who are not currently certified as GXE partners
*Current GXE partners are not eligible for this campaign.
Those who can fulfill the partner requirements after winning the campaign are eligible.
<Procedures if you win this campaign>
(1) Purchase 2,500 GXE in addition to the given 2,500 GXE and hold the combined amount in your wallet
*Required 5,000GXE to become a GXE partner.
(2) Participate in the Hikaru Collaboration NFT Sale with a wallet holding 5,000 GXE
(3) Remain with 5,000 GXE held in your wallet until the end of the month
You can join GXE Partner by following the above three steps.
Once you are certified as a GXE Partner, a special icon will appear on your My Page.
*Even if you do not win this campaign, you can join as a GXE Partner by preparing 5,000 GXE by yourself and following steps (2) and (3).
Please check the websites below for more information.
■GXE Partner Page: https://project-xeno.com/feature/gxe-partner
■ Hikaru Collaboration NFT Sale Page: https://project-xeno.com/feature/hikaru-sale
Please check PROJECT XENO official website, Twitter, and Discord for further details.
■Official Website
■Official Twitter(GLB)
■Official Twitter(JP)
■Official Telegram
■Official Discord