Regarding the current problem with the “NFT Sale 1st – HIKARU Collaboration NFT Sale -.”
As of 10:30, November 25th, 2022, UTC
(1) Delay in NFT distribution
We are experiencing significant delays in NFT distribution for some purchasers who have made purchases with virtual currency and credit cards.
Regarding the above, we have confirmed that the virtual currency transferred upon purchase has been received, and no data has been lost.
Please kindly wait a little longer for your purchased NFTs to appear on your My Page, as we will distribute them as they become available.
The difference as of November 23rd at 19:00 UTC has already been addressed.
We are still monitoring the difference between the payment history and the distribution history, and if there is a difference, we will proceed with the distribution.
There may be a time lag before distribution, but we would appreciate it if you could wait a while for a response.
(2) The drawing results of the super rare raffle tickets
We have observed the cases where XENO is indicated in Tier 8 and Hikaru XENO in Tier 7.
The correct information is
Tier 7 is XENO
Tier 8 is Hikaru XENO
It has already been addressed. (November 23rd at 19:10 UTC)
(3) The problem of being able to purchase Hikaru bundles after they were sold out
Even though the first-come 33 Hikaru bundles were sold out, three purchasers were able to buy them.
We are in the process of canceling the three purchases after the sale was closed, and we will refund them.
(4) About Purchase Failed from Metamask
We have received a report that some cannot make a purchase on Metamask from mobile.
We are currently looking into this issue.
Following steps may solve the issue.
1. Connect your wallet using other crypto wallets such as SafePal
2. Connect Metamask from your computer
In order to do so, import your wallet and please refer from the link below for details
We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
We will continue looking into the issues.