学生時代から俳優として活動を開始し前代未聞の3回連続全国最優秀才能賞を受賞。『Ehky Ya Sharazad(教えて、シャハラザド)』で大ブレイク。中東で最も価値のある俳優の一人です。また近作のミュージックビデオの再生回数はいずれも1億回以上と絶大な人気を得ています。
Started a career in acting while being at school and achieved an unprecedented feat of winning three consecutive national awards for greatest nationwide talent.Had a big break in "Ehky Ya Sharazad" (Tell me, Shahrazad) and is now one of the most valuable actors in the Middle East.Furthermore, his recent music video has surpassed over 100 million views, showcasing his immense popularity.
Politician in the Philippines. Former basketball player and the only eight-division world champion in the history of boxing. Known as a heroic figure in the Philippines, with over 10 million followers on social media channels.
Hikaru is one of the top YouTubers in Japan, making his YouTube debut in 2013 with a game streaming. He has 4.86 million YouTube subscribers (as of November 2022). He is currently not only a YouTuber but also an entrepreneur and singer.